Keeping up the pace.

Keeping up the pace.

Keeping up the pace.

Sustainable mining services

Mining requires precision in terms of sustainability even though the lines are broad. Tallqvist is a trusted actor in the field and has been the leading contractor in several mining projects in Finland. Our operations include earth construction, responsible earth and aggregate processing, and earthmoving. Tallqvist Infra is in charge of the services.


Mining infrastructure and its maintenance

We are a responsible actor and the mining infrastructure is implemented systematically in accordance with the strict regulations. Responsible and environmentally friendly mining is supported by the ISO9001 and ISO18001 quality certifications that guide the operations both during the process and outside of the process.

Appropriate machinery

We provide heavy machinery with operators for the mine’s own process as well as for maintenance. A comprehensive range of machines with modern accessories ensures efficiency for all of the relevant operations.


We have a versatile fleet, suitable for any contract!

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Latest references: Mining

Our strengths