Kokkolan biogasplant

Kokkolan biogasplant

Pörhö Car Dealership

Pörhö Car Dealership

Jorvaksen sortti-station

Jorvaksen sortti-station

Kokkolan biogasplant

Pörhö Car Dealership

Jorvaksen sortti-station

Tuotantotilat, Kewatec Aluboat Oy Ab, Kokkola


Kewatec Aluboat Oy Ab

Type of contract

Time period



Form of contract

Work manager

Klaus Svenfors

Sandwich panel construction, facility for boat production.

The boat industry is a big part of Kokkola and Tallqvsit has been working on many projects in this sector, both commercial construction building and civil/earthworks.

Our strengths